The root cause of migraines is complicated, involving inflammation of the nervous system. Some people with migraines experience a visual disturbance, called an aura, with their episodes. The symptoms are usually one-sided and described as throbbing in character. Hands on treatment can help reduce frequency and intensity, by reducing tension on structures around the shoulders, neck and head. Reducing stress, supplements and trials of excluding trigger foods can be helpful in identifying the inflammatory drivers.
Jaw pain and headaches
The jaw is unique in the body, in that the two temporomandibular joints (TMJ) must move simultaneously. The TMJ is a complex compound joint, where initiation of jaw opening starts with a hinging motion and then a subsequent forward translation on cartilage discs on either side of the jaw. An imbalance in the joints can cause clicking, pain and headaches. Thorough assessment of the jaw, teeth and involved muscles, enables best management of the jaw.