Welcome to your chiropractor in Trowbridge
Ray Chan is an independent chiropractor based in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, which also serves Bradford-on-Avon, Melksham, Westbury and surrounding areas. Chiropractic optimises and treats complaints of the musculoskeletal system.
We treat back and pelvic pain, neck pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, elbow and wrist, headache and migraine, hip and knees and foot and ankle. We also specialise in providing techniques for great posture so if you’re searching for a chiropractor for posture, look no further.
Feel better and get back to what matters to you
What makes Ray Chan Chiropractor distinct?
Simply put, thoroughness. Have your concerns and frustrations heard. Discuss your medical history and overall health, to improve treatment outcomes. Receive reassuring and understandable explanations. Have treatments and interventions aimed at the root cause. Ensure treatment progress with in-session assessment protocols.
A no-nonsense, holistic approach
If you have a recurring, chronic complaint, it’s likely that there are unexplored pieces to your story. Your initial consultation will screen for potential food sensitivities, sleep quality and medication-induced nutrient deficiencies. Not only is this used to improve the efficacy of your care, but often improves energy, resilience and mood.
Feel safe and assured
Chiropractors in the UK are registered, insured and have undertaken extensive training. Their training includes the study of orthopaedics (bones), rheumatology (joints) and neurology (the brain and nerves), as well as general medicine, to ensure you are thoroughly triaged and receive an accurate diagnosis.
Safe, effective, hands-on care
Our mission is simple: to help you feel better and do what you love.
Our values help to enable us to work together with you and ensure the successful health outcome you desire.
To be open-minded, explore, and listen without judging.
To bring people and resources together.
To develop long-term relationships with individuals and the community.
To work to remove barriers to healthy lifestyle behaviours for people within the community.
To inspire individuals within the community to take responsibility for their personal and communal health.
Our Location
Our treatment room is well located, just outside the centre of Trowbridge. Patients come from all around the local area so here are some travel times if you’re visiting from outside Trowbridge.
Our location is just 10 minutes away from Bradford on Avon and Westbury. With that in mind, if you need a Chiropractor in Bradford on Avon, or are looking for a Westbury Chiropractor, we would be a great option for you.
Patients searching for a Chiropractor in Warminster or seeking a Chiropractor in Frome or Melksham, find our location really easy to travel to and it only takes around 20 minutes from any of these areas.
If you’re looking for a specialist chiropractor in Bath or the surrounding area, we’re just over 25 minutes away so well worth the trip.
Parking is free and readily available so wherever you’re travelling from, please do get in touch so we can discuss how we can help.